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Every Money Counts





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Every Money Counts(圖1)-速報App

Every Money Counts app will help budgeting your money, is the easiest and most user friendly expense manager app in the store.

The simple fact is, by tracking your spending you will be able to stick to a budget and therefore SAVE MONEY.

Have some income goals to stick to? Need to keep your family budget tight? Every Money Counts is an excellent money tracker and planner for budget planning as well as for family money management

With Every Money budget App :

✔ Every Money Count is Totally FREE

✔ Unlimited expenses.

✔ Simple and intuitive user interface

Every Money Counts(圖2)-速報App

- Every Money Counts helps you track your spending quickly and easily

- super fast expense entry

✔ Log All Expense

- easy and quick transaction entry

- sort by date, name or amount

- repeat transactions daily, weekly or monthly

- export transactions to CSV for use in a spreadsheet

Every Money Counts(圖3)-速報App

So download Every Money Budget app for free, enter your expenses, and have instant control over your spending!